Thursday, 10 October 2019


So far I have been coping with a schedule of a book a week along side my day job. OK, coping is probably to strong of a word. I have been managing to keep up with the schedule. But The City of God has me beat! There is no way I can get through a 1/4 of that in a week, just none. It something of the order of 200 pages a week and it is rather dense.

Also to add to this I just don't read for fun anymore and I read more because I have to to keep my schedule than because it's what I want to do. So I will be going on hiatus starting with last weeks missed post and running until New Years. Thank you to all who have been diligently reading. I will come back early next year refreshed and rearing to go.

I thought this was going to be a longer post but that about covers it!

No longer content to be just a science major

Beginnings This all started in 2014 when, in a fit of frustration at my lack of knowledge, understanding and general grasp of western cultu...