Showing posts with label Lists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lists. Show all posts

Sunday, 14 February 2021

BONUS POST: The second 50 of the BC list


Having just passed the 50th book on the BC list it's time to give you the next 50 on the list!

I'm looking forward to Plato though I wonder how long it will take me to get through his stuff!

Hippocrates Of the Epidemics

Hippocrates The Science of Medicine

Hippocrates On Airs, Waters, and Places

Hippocrates The Book of Prognostics

Hippocrates On Regimen in Acute Diseases

Hippocrates Aphorisms

Hippocrates Dreams

Hippocrates on the Nature of Man

Hippocrates A Regimen of Health

Hippocrates On Fractures

Hippocrates The Seed and The Nature of the Child

Hippocrates The Heart

Hippocrates On the Sacred Disease

Hippocrates On the Surgery

Hippocrates On Hemorrhoids

Hippocrates On Injuries of the Head

Hippocrates Instruments of Reduction

Hippocrates On the Articulations

Hippocrates On Fistulae

Hippocrates On Ulcers

Aristophanes The Acharnians

Aristophanes The Clouds

Aristophanes Lysistrata

Aristophanes The Birds

Aristophanes The Knights

Aristophanes Peace

Aristophanes Plutus/wealth

Aristophanes The Frogs

Aristophanes The Ecclesiazusae

Aristophanes The Thesmophoriazusae

Aristophanes The Wasps

Xenophon Agesilaus

Xenophon Anabasis

Xenophon Apology

Xenophon On the Art of Horsemanship

Xenophon The Constitution of the Athenians

Xenophon The Constitution of the Lacedaemonian

Xenophon On the Cavalry Commander

Xenophon Cyropaedia

Xenophon Economics

Xenophon Hellenica

Xenophon Hiero

Xenophon On Hunting

Xenophon Memorabilia

Xenophon Symposium

Xenophon Ways and Means

Plato         Apology

Plato         Charmides, or Temperance

Plato         Cratylus

Plato         Critias

BONUS POST: First 50 Books in the BC list with links

Last week we passed the 50 books mark on this list. So it's about time I gave you updated lists. First, this one with the 50 all linked and then a list of the next 50.

unknown         The Epic Of Gilgamesh

unknown         Egyptian Book of the Dead

Homer         Iliad

Homer         Odyssey

Various         Rig Veda

Hesiod         Shield of Heracles

Hesiod         Theogony

Hesiod         The Works and Days

Confucius The Analects

Confucius The Doctrine of the Mean

Confucius The Great Learning

Lao Tzu         The Tao-te Ching

Sappho         Collection

Aeschylus Agamemnon

Aeschylus The Choephori (The libation bearers)

Aeschylus Eumenides

Aeschylus Prometheus Bound

Aeschylus The Suppliants

Aeschylus The Seven Against Thebes

Aeschylus The Persians

Sun Tzu         The art of war

Sophocles Antigone

Sophocles Oedipus the King(Oedipus Rex)

Sophocles Oedipus at Colonus

Sophocles Ajax

Sophocles Electra by Sophocles

Sophocles The Trachiniae

Sophocles Philoctetes

Herodotus Histories(the Persian war)

Euripidies Alcestis

Euripidies Hippolytus

Euripidies Iphigenia in Tauris

Euripidies Ion

Euripidies The Trojan Women

Euripidies Helen

Euripidies The Bacchantes

Euripidies Medea

Euripidies Hecabe

Euripidies Electra

Euripidies Heracles

Euripidies The Heracleidae

Euripidies The Phoenissae

Euripidies Orestes

Euripidies The Suppliants

Euripidies Iphigenia At Aulis

Euripidies Andromache

Thucydides History of the Peloponnesian War 1 and 2

Hippocrates The Oath 

Hippocrates The Law

Hippocrates On Ancient Medicine

Friday, 1 February 2019

First 50 of the AD Literature list: Updated

So here is my updated first 50 list I've added The Volsung saga and the Edda as well as splitting the divine comedy into its three volumes to line it up with how I am doing series in the BC list. As I've said previously I can't get two of my planned works for Dante in English and so I have crossed them off the list.
Also after conversation with my husband I have also added the City of God which I will have to go back to at some point.

500 Augustine The City of God
1000 Unknown Beowulf
1100 Unknown The song of Roland
1200 Unknown The Nibelungenlied
1200 Unknown The Saga of Burnt Njal
1265 Dante Alighieri Inferno
1266 Dante Alighieri Purgatorio
1267 Dante Alighieri Paradiso
1265 Dante Alighieri Convivio
1265 Dante Alighieri Monarchia
1265 Dante Alighieri On the Eloquence of Vernacular
1265 Dante Alighieri The New Life
1220 The Edda Snorri
1300 Volsunga Saga Unknown
1300 Everyman The Everyman and Miracle Plays
1340 Geoffrey Chaucer The Book of the Duchess
1340 Geoffrey Chaucer The House of Fame
1340 Geoffrey Chaucer Anelida and Arcite
1340 Geoffrey Chaucer Parlement of Foules
1340 Geoffrey Chaucer Troilus and Criseyde
1340 Geoffrey Chaucer The Legend of Good Women
1340 Geoffrey Chaucer The Canterbury Tales
1340 Geoffrey Chaucer A Treatise on the Astrolabe
1340 Geoffrey Chaucer Poems
1350 Unknown Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
1495 Francois Rabelais Gargantua and Pantagruel
1547 Meguel de Cervantes Don Quixote
1552 Edmund Spenser Prothalamion
1552 Edmund Spenser The Faerie Queene
1561 Francis Bacon Essays
1561 Francis Bacon Advancement of Learning
1561 Francis Bacon Novum Organum
1561 Francis Bacon New Atlantis
1564 William Shakespeare Plays
1564 William Shakespeare Poems
1588 Christopher Marlowe Doctor Faustus
1608 John Milton Paradise Lost
1608 John Milton Paradise Regained
1622 Moliere The Misanthrope
1622 Moliere The School for Wives
1622 Moliere Tartuffe
1622 Moliere The Miser
1622 Moliere The Imaginary Invalid
1622 Moliere The Bourgeois Gentleman
1639 Jean Baptiste Racine Phèdre
1639 Jean Baptiste Racine Andromaque
1639 Jean Baptiste Racine Athalie
1660 Daniel Defoe Robinson Crusoe
1667 Jonathan Swift A Tale of a Tub
1667 Jonathan Swift Journal to Stella

Monday, 23 July 2018

First 50 of the AD literature list

Below is the first 50 entries into the AD Literature List. You will notice approximate dates for each author, these are what I have used to put the texts into chronological order, while it might not be 100% precise it does keep all the works of a given author together.

1000 Unknown Beowulf
1100 Unknown The song of Roland
1200 Unknown The Nibelungenlied
1200 Unknown The Saga of Burnt Njal
1265 Dante Alighieri The Divine Comedy
1265 Dante Alighieri Convivio
1265 Dante Alighieri Monarchia
1265 Dante Alighieri On the Eloquence of Vernacular
1265 Dante Alighieri The New Life
1300 Everyman The Everyman and Miracle Plays
1340 Geoffrey Chaucer The Book of the Duchess
1340 Geoffrey Chaucer The House of Fame
1340 Geoffrey Chaucer Anelida and Arcite
1340 Geoffrey Chaucer Parlement of Foules
1340 Geoffrey Chaucer Troilus and Criseyde
1340 Geoffrey Chaucer The Legend of Good Women
1340 Geoffrey Chaucer The Canterbury Tales
1340 Geoffrey Chaucer A Treatise on the Astrolabe
1340 Geoffrey Chaucer Poems
1350 Unknown Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
1495 Francois Rabelais Gargantua and Pantagruel
1547 Meguel de Cervantes Don Quixote
1552 Edmund Spenser Prothalamion
1552 Edmund Spenser The Faerie Queene
1561 Francis Bacon Essays
1561 Francis Bacon Advancement of Learning
1561 Francis Bacon Novum Organum
1561 Francis Bacon New Atlantis
1564 William Shakespeare Plays
1564 William Shakespeare Poems
1588 Christopher Marlowe Doctor Faustus
1608 John Milton Paradise Lost
1608 John Milton Paradise Regained
1622 Moliere The Misanthrope
1622 Moliere The School for Wives
1622 Moliere Tartuffe
1622 Moliere The Miser
1622 Moliere The Imaginary Invalid
1622 Moliere The Bourgeois Gentleman
1639 Jean Baptiste Racine Phèdre
1639 Jean Baptiste Racine Andromaque
1639 Jean Baptiste Racine Athalie
1660 Daniel Defoe Robinson Crusoe
1667 Jonathan Swift A Tale of a Tub
1667 Jonathan Swift Journal to Stella
1667 Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels
1667 Jonathan Swift A modest Proposal
1679 John Bunyan The Pilgrim's Progress
1688 Alexander Pope Essay on Criticism
1688 Alexander Pope Rape of the Lock

First 50 from the BC list

Below is the first 50 entries into the BC List. As you can see it is a mix of most major cultures that have recorded writings.
I skipped the Old Testament because I have read it both as a whole and in separate books many times an I did not feel the need to revisit it for this project.The Upanishads I got stuck on and eventually choose to skip and not complete as it was holding up the project significantly.

-2000 unknown The Epic Of Gilgamesh
-1000 unknown Egyptian Book of the Dead
-900 Homer Iliad
-900 Homer Odyssey
-800 Various Old Testemant
-800 Various Rig Veda
-700 Hesiod Shield of Heracles
-700 Hesiod Theogony
-700 Hesiod The Works and Days
-600 unknown The Upanishads
-551 Confucius The Analects
-551 Confucius The Doctrine of the Mean
-551 Confucius The Great Learning
-550 Lao Tzu The Tao-te Ching
-550 Sappho Collection
-525 Aeschylus Agamemnon
-525 Aeschylus The Choephori (The libation bearers)
-525 Aeschylus Eumenides
-525 Aeschylus Prometheus Bound
-525 Aeschylus The Suppliants
-525 Aeschylus The Seven Against Thebes
-525 Aeschylus The Persians
-500 Sun Tzu The art of war
-495 Sophocles Antigone
-495 Sophocles Oedipus the King(Oedipus Rex)
-495 Sophocles Oedipus at Colonus
-495 Sophocles Ajax
-495 Sophocles Electra by Sophocles
-495 Sophocles The Trachiniae
-495 Sophocles Philoctetes
-484 Herodotus Histories(the persian war)
-485 Euripidies Alcestis
-485 Euripidies Hippolytus
-485 Euripidies Iphigenia in Tauris
-485 Euripidies Ion
-485 Euripidies The Trojan Women
-485 Euripidies Helen
-485 Euripidies The Bacchantes
-485 Euripidies Medea
-485 Euripidies Hecuba
-485 Euripidies Electra
-485 Euripidies Heracles
-485 Euripidies The Heracleidae
-485 Euripidies The Phoenissae
-485 Euripidies Orestes
-485 Euripidies The Suppliants
-485 Euripidies Iphigenia At Aulis
-485 Euripidies Andromache
-485 Euripidies The Cyclops
-485 Euripidies Rhesus

No longer content to be just a science major

Beginnings This all started in 2014 when, in a fit of frustration at my lack of knowledge, understanding and general grasp of western cultu...