The Story
In Greek mythology, Prometheus is a Titan but he is not trapped in Tartarus. Rather, he sided with the Olympians in the war with the Titans and so, Zeus did not trap him with the others. It does not take Prometheus long to run a foul of Zeus by giving humans fire and hope.
The Prometheus bond starts with two gods holding Prometheus in place against a rock so that Hephaestus can chain him to it in punishment for giving fire to man. Hephaestus is reluctant in his work, lamenting that he must chain his friend to this rock.
Prometheus is visited by a chorus of Oceanids, who enquire what he did to end up there. Prometheus recounts his part in the Titan war with the Olympians. This includes his stealing fire for man, thwarting Zeus's plan to destroy mankind, and teaching mankind the civilizing arts, including mathematics, medicine, and writing.
Oceanus comes to visit Prometheus and implore him to make peace with Zeus. Prometheus says he will not atone for his actions. Oceanus then says he will go to Zeus and plead for him but Prometheus dissuades him.
Prometheus' next visitor is Io who has been changed into a cow and constantly bothered by a gadfly. Prometheus prophesise that Io will travel as far as Egypt and will be turned back to human and marry, and that her descendants will come and free him from his punishment.
There is a prophecy that a son of Zeus will topple him and Zeus sends Hermes to Prometheus, who is known for prophecy, to find out who his son's mother will be. Prometheus refuses and is sent to Tartarus.
Prometheus is quite resigned to his punishment and does not seem to want others to try and put an end to it at this time. This is most likely due to his prophetic gifts as it is said he could see the future and how things would unfold for himself.
There is a great contrast between Hephaestus and Prometheus in how they react to Zeus. Hephaestus does Zeus' bidding even when he does not fully agree. Where as, Prometheus does what he thinks is right and does not submit to Zeus' kingship.
This take on Prometheus' story differs from Theogony in a couple of ways. First, we do not see the crow eating out his liver every day in this telling. Second, we do not see him being instrumental in the opening of Pandora's box. In fact, Pandora's box isn't even mentioned.
Also, Prometheus bound dwells on the spitefulness of Zeus. Where as, in Theogony we see him in a more passive light and we see Hera in a more spiteful role.
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