There is a natural division in the text between the Prologue and the following two sections. So that is the reason for this bonus post. So it works best to have its own post, but the Prologue is only about ten pages so it is far too small for a weekly post.
Why you might read the Edda's Prologue?
While this seems to be a later addition to the content of the rest of the Edda. It is still important as it gives us a snapshot of what was important to peoples beliefs at the time the story moved from oral to written history.
The Story of the Edda's Prologue
First, we go back to the creation of Adam and Eve and then the flood. They are covered in very little detail they are visibly based on the Biblical creation story. Then we look at the three parts of the world namely Africa, Asia and Europe or Enea. The author has much praise for the Asian peoples.
Connecting Troy with the name Thor and eventually though decent to Odin is the next step. This thereby connects Norse mythology with the peoples and siege of the Iliad. Finally, we move on to Odin moving his people first into the north. Into Saxland and its surround and therefore being the father of the Germanic tribes as well. they continue from here in the Scandinavian countries where they settle.
Reflections on the Edda's Prologue
This short section of the Edda tries to tie the Norse Mythology, with the Christian world view. As well as the history of the Greek greats, that were becoming more popular in the Scandinavian world. They wanted their great people to be linked to all the great peoples that they knew of. It was also probably a later addition to the book. At least a latter addition to the oral tradition that spurned the book.
Comparisons to other texts
The creation account given is a loose and condensed paraphrase of Genesis in the Bible.
You could read the rest of the Edda without having read the prologue. However it does bookmark the time in the Norse history when the Edda was committed to written form.
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