Monday, 22 February 2021

More descriptions of Illnesses he treated; Epidemics 3 (no you didn't miss one), Hippocrates

No, you didn't miss a post. Epidemics is a work of seven books. Only the first and third were written by Hippocrates, therefore they are the only ones I'm covering here.

Why you might read Epidemics Book 3?

Epidemics 3 starts off where Epidemics 1 leaves off. It is where Hippocrates' is most specific in his descriptions. His descriptions are of diseases in the populace. This gives us insight into how often sickness was fatal. Also, we get insight into how illnesses were seen and what symptoms were important. 

In my Self-Education project, the insight into early medicine is a great boon. This is because it gives insight into the life and times of people. It is information about the troubles of everyday life. Rather than the positive stories we see in the Greek plays.

The Content of Epidemics Book 3

This book starts with descriptions of individual cases. 
These cases include the symptoms broken down almost daily. As well as whether there are positive or negative signs. Finally, they finish either with the patient's death or his or her recovery. The third section of this book is more of the same.

The second section covers the weather in the area during the year of writing. This is used to relate to the illnesses that are common in that same time. In this Hippocrates gives us a general overview of how the populace handled disease. He also tells us what turns deadly and what is just an illness passing though.

Reflections on Epidemics Book 3

When you look at the structure of the book it suggests that maybe this is book two and a half and three. It is almost as if the back part of another book of the same ilk has been added to the start of book three. When you compare it with book one that is.

It is hard to predict from the symptoms given which patients would survive and which would die. Illness length also seemed to have no bearing on the outcome.

What others have to say on Epidemics Book 3

Perseus Digital Library points out that"Of the forty-two cases, twenty-five end in death, very nearly 60 per cent.". Which is a surprisingly high mortality rate.

 Comparisons to other texts

This text is basically a continuation of Epidemics Book 1. It covers new material but in the same format and general type of information. Its biggest difference is that it both starts and ends with individual cases. by comparison to Book one only ends with these cases.

By contrast, the Canon tells us about the Physician. What attributes they must have. This piece concentrates only on the illness' themselves and the patients they inflict. Yet it is surprising it does not give much detail in the way of treatment either.


In all Epidemics Book 3 is just an extension of what we have already seen in Book 1. This being said that does not make it without value. We still gain greater insight into the illness' of Hippocrates' time. 

We have discussed how this work differed from some of Hippocrates' other works. As well as looking at the death rate through what others have written about the work.

Have you read Epidemics Book 3? If so what did you think of it? 

Want to read Epidemics Book 3 but haven't? Please leave me a comment and let me know why you want to read it.

Hopefully, this post inspires you to take the time to look into it on your own journey of Self Education.

Get a copy of Epidemics Book 3.

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