Monday, 26 April 2021
Dreams as a diagnostic tool; Dreams, Hippocrates
Monday, 19 April 2021
Disease of the mind; The Sacred Disease, Hippocrates
Have you read The Sacred Disease? If so what did you think of it?
Want to read The Sacred Disease but haven't? Please leave me a comment and let me know why you want to read it.
Hopefully, this post inspires you to take the time to look into it on your own journey of Self Education.
Get a copy of The Sacred Disease.
Monday, 12 April 2021
Pithy diagnostics; Aphorisms, Hippocrates
This is an important diagnostic and treatment text and we should not get put off by the title. It is instead a treasure trove of medicine from the classical greek times. It is roughly grouped into sections of ideas. It covers diagnosis and treatment, as well as prognosis. These are covered in the general sense rather than in case studies.
Have you read Aphorisms? If so what did you think of it?
Want to read Aphorisms but haven't? Please leave me a comment and let me know why you want to read it.
Hopefully, this post inspires you to take the time to look into it on your own journey of Self Education.
Get a copy of Aphorisms.
Monday, 5 April 2021
More plays from the Bible; Everyman and Medieval Miracle Plays(6-10), Various Unknown
Why might you read the Miracle Plays?
The Miracle plays are a snapshot of how Medieval England saw the stories of the Bible. I am just reading a collection of them rather than each version. This makes them great to compare how Christianity was understood across time, even if they are not directly about doctrine.
For my Self Education project, they fill this role. They allow for a greater understanding of the way in which faith was a part of everyday life in medieval England. This will be important when I get to read more of the church fathers. As a narrative, they show a stage in the development of the play in the English speaking world.
Stories of the Miracle plays 6-10
Abraham and Issac
The play starts with Abraham praying for Issac his young son. We then see Issac also praying. There is a short scene in heaven where God tells his angels he will test Abraham. the test is to see whether he loves God or his son more.
Angels are then sent to instruct Abraham to go to the mountain and sacrifice Issac. While he prays it isn't so he complies. He takes Issac with wood for the fire up to the mountain.
Issac finds out he is to be the sacrifice and starts pleading with his father for his life. Abraham tells him he has been instructed by God to sacrifice him. Issac accepts his fate. Abraham dithers over doing the deed but eventually swings for the kill. He is stopped by an angel and is relieved. Issac asks why he has stopped and Abraham explains.
They sacrifice the ram God has arranged and descend the mountain praising God.
Reflections on the Miracle plays 6-10
Abraham and Issac
Have you read The Miracle Plays? If so what did you think of it?
Want to read The Miracle Plays but haven't? Please leave me a comment and let me know why you want to read it.
Hopefully, this post inspires you to take the time to look into it on your own journey of Self Education.
Get a copy of The Miracle Plays.
No longer content to be just a science major
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