Monday, 12 April 2021

Pithy diagnostics; Aphorisms, Hippocrates

 Why you might read Aphorisms?

Aphorism isn't what you expect from the title. Instead, it is a series of diagnostic, treatment and prognosis statements. As such it has much to teach about illness and how it was treated in Ancient Greece. It may even be the most prescriptive text in the Corpus.

In my Self Education project, this hold pride of place in Hippocrates works. It is not the most well known by any stretch. Yet it covers the most ground about treatment and prognosis.

Content of Aphorisms

The book is broken into seven sections. These sections cover slightly different topics, from weather effects to age effects. Overall the book covers what symptoms mean in different illnesses. What symptoms mean death and which mean life. As well as how to treat given diseases with given symptoms. It gives specific instructions on how to proceed depending on symptoms. While it is presented as a series of Aphorisms the Aphorisms often flow together into a series of related comments.

Reflections on Aphorisms

Like I said in the content section, this book does not feel like a series of Aphorisms. Rather it is a much more useful medical text. It spends all its time explaining sicknesses and treatments. None of these Aphorisms are easily quotable as most require the context of those around them.

What others have to say about Aphorisms

"The Aphorisms are the most important works of the Hippocratic Corpus." From euphoriatric

Comparisons with other texts

Compared to the other works of the Hippocratic Corpus. This text is the most straight forward diagnostic we have seen. In Epidemics, we see diseases named with there seasons. As well as how individuals symptoms went. By comparison in this work, we have whole lists of what a symptom means for an illness. As well as how to treat given illnesses.

Proverbs in the Bible is another work of Aphorisms. Where proverbs can be quoted and used individually. These Aphorisms need each other for context.


This is an important diagnostic and treatment text and we should not get put off by the title. It is instead a treasure trove of medicine from the classical greek times. It is roughly grouped into sections of ideas. It covers diagnosis and treatment, as well as prognosis. These are covered in the general sense rather than in case studies.

Have you read Aphorisms? If so what did you think of it? 

Want to read Aphorisms but haven't? Please leave me a comment and let me know why you want to read it.

Hopefully, this post inspires you to take the time to look into it on your own journey of Self Education.

Get a copy of Aphorisms.

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