Monday, 3 January 2022

Treating ulcers in various ways; On Ulcers, Hippocrates

 Why might you read On Ulcers?

On Ulcers is the last of the Hippocratic Corpus. As such it rounds out our knowledge of what Hippocrates knew, which was put into writing. It gives us our last glimpse into ancient Greek Medicine for the time being.

In my Self Education project, On Ulcers stands as another piece in the greater puzzle of the corpus.

Content of On Ulcers

On Ulcers is a short text that mainly details the many concoctions that can be put on ulcers to help them heal. Hippocrates starts with the general idea of drying out the Ulcer. As well as some discussion on how Ulcers occur. He recommends if they are new cutting them open to drain and bleed them. He does spend most of the work detailing different herbal mixtures that can be put on the ulcers. Again he starts in general and then moves to more specific. Not very specific but a little more. He has a section on different mixtures for the winter. They contain animal fat which the others have not. These seem to more of a kind that would set on a wound under the bandages.

Reflections on On Ulcers

The use of saffron in one of the remedies was a surprise. I don't think it has much in the way of medicinal properties. It is also expensive and the remedy called for quite a lot of it. That being said it was one of a list of possible remedies. Hippocrates was not specific about when to use it or the other options. Because of this, I would take it that the saffron remedy was an option. That other cheaper remedies could be used.

Some remedies seemed more likely to work than others. But that is because I bring modern general knowledge to the table. For example, a remedy with honey and white vinegar seem to me to have more promise than boiled olive leaves.

What others have to say about On Ulcers

This is another case where there is little on the internet about the work and many copies of the work. I found one paper but it was hidden behind a paywall.

Comparisons with other texts

On Fistulae also has plenty of remedies without too much clarity on when to use each. But, it does deal more specifically with a skin ailment in one place and is more specific in that way.

Unlike On the Surgery, there is little information about how to bandage the treated Ulcers. On the Surgery by contrast is nearly entirely about how to bandage wounds.


On Ulcers is a short work detailing many possible treatments for Ulcers. Though cutting and bleeding are prescribed in all cases where the sore is new. What to then add to the wound as a treatment is varied without too much description on when to use what. From that, we can gather that a great many of the treatments are interchangable.

Have you read On Ulcers? If so what did you think of it? 

Want to read On Ulcers but haven't? Please leave me a comment and let me know why you want to read it.

Hopefully, this post inspires you to take the time to look into it on your own journey of Self Education.

Get a copy of On Ulcers.

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